A landlord’s electrical report is also known as an Electrical Installation Condition Report, or EICR for short.
An in date EICR is an essential feature in ensuring the electrical safety of your tenant and is part of your legal responsibility as a landlord.
PG Electrics are your local, qualified landlords’ electrician in Abergavenny. We are highly experienced in the provision of landlord electrical reports. If you are a landlord in Abergavenny and need an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) for your property, we are here to help.
What is an EICR?
An EICR is the official name for a landlord’s electrical report. It is the thorough inspection and testing of the electrical installation at your rental property in Abergavenny by a qualified and competent electrician. This electrical report is a legal responsibility for all landlords and must be carried out at an interval of at least every 5 years. When an electrician carries out your EICR inspection they will look at your rental property’s fixed electrical installation and assess its condition. The fixed electrical installation includes your fuse board or consumer unit, wiring and cables, and all electrical accessories such as light switches. The electrician will be checking for any damage that could make your electrics unsafe or could cause a potential shock and anything that doesn’t meet current safety regulations. Upon completion of their EICR inspection, your electrician will present their findings to you, the landlord.
What does a landlords EICR report show?
The report your electrician provides you with will detail the findings from the inspection of your Abergavenny property. Each observation will be assigned a code that denotes either a satisfactory or unsatisfactory result. The codes on the landlords EICR report indicate the urgency with which action is required.
Unsatisfactory EICR Codes are:
- C1 – Danger present, risk of injury, immediate remedial action required
- C2 – Potentially Dangerous, urgent remedial action required
- FI – Further investigation required
These all require swift action and remedial works. To ensure the safety of your tenants a C1 code may require your electrician to make repairs before they leave the property.
A Satisfactory EICR Code is:
- C3 – Improvement recommended
This indicates that action may be required later but that it is passable for now. Often, this will mean that part of your electrics does not meet current guidelines but is safe for continued use.
Any remedial work that is required must be completed within 28 days. Your electrician will explain their findings and advise you of the next steps required. They will also provide you with an estimate for the works.
What to do with your Landlords Electrical Report
Once your landlords EICR has been completed, and when any remedial works have been carried out, you must:
- Within 28 days of the inspection, you must provide your tenant with a copy of the EICR.
- If requested, you must provide your local authority with a copy of your electrical report within 7 days.
- Keep a copy of your EICR report until the next inspection and provide this to the electrician carrying out the next inspection.
- Supply a copy of the most recent report to any new tenant before they take up occupation; and any prospective tenant within 28 days of receiving a request in writing.
If you are a landlord in the Abergavenny area and require an EICR landlords electrical report, PG Electrics can help. As experienced, fully qualified and NICEIC registered electricians you can be certain we take your tenants safety, and your legal responsibilities, seriously. Contact us today.