If you need a local domestic ELECTRICIAN IN ABERGAVENNY then you have arrived at the right place. I am the local trusted electrician in the area and carry out a range of electrical services to assist homeowners with their electrical needs.
Fault Finding in Abergavenny
There are many electrical faults that can occur in electrical systems which mean that things fail to operate as they should, trip switches may operate and danger may exist. Its important to recognise the signs of an electrical fault and take immediate action when faults present themselves.
- Smell of electrical burning
- Tripping switches
- Flickering Lights
- Sockets Crackling
Smell of Electrical Burning
When a smell of electrical burning occurs, you may notice a fishy odour that resembles burnt plastic, chemicals, or smouldering PVC. This smell is quite distinctive and once experienced, one which you will not forget. A smell like this indicates that there are rather serious issues in the electrical system which present immediate danger to your home and its occupants. Please call immediately if you notice this smell.
Tripping Switches
When switches trip at the consumer unit, fuse box or electrical panel, they do so to protect the electrical cables and occupants of the property from harm. Switches trip for many reasons including, short circuits, earth faults, faulty appliances, water ingress into electrical components and wiring and much more.
Flickering Lights
When lights flicker throughout a property there can be a number of causes for this. Most commonly, flickering lights is caused by loose connections on electrical wiring. These loose connections can be at a switch, a ceiling light, the consumer unit or anywhere along the lighting circuit. There are other causes for flickering lights but whatever the root of the problem, as your local ELECTRICIAN IN ABERGAVENNY I am able to diagnose the issue and resolve the problem quickly for you.
Sockets Crackling
When sockets make a crackling sound, it can be as a result of overheating, loose connections, damaged sockets, or faulty appliances connected to the socket. The sound is indicative of a dangerous situation known as electrical arcing which can generate very high temperatures and poses an increased risk of fire.
Complete Rewires
When electrical faults occur, they often do so as a result of older wiring, poorly maintained electrical systems, or general degradation of the electrical system. In some cases, issues will reoccur and the only sensible solution is to consider a complete rewire. As your local ELECTRICIAN IN ABERGAVENNY, I regularly carry out complete rewires to properties in the area and am able to give you a quote for any works that you may require.
When is a rewire necessary?
Rewiring a home is necessary if there are recurring electrical problems, an insufficient number of sockets for modern demands or cabling that is very old and unsafe.
Where old rubber wiring is present then it is likely to be dangerous as by this age, the rubber insulation (sheath that covers the live wires) will have deteriorated to a crumbly texture presenting a real risk of electric shocks and shorting out.
What does a rewire involve?
A rewire involves installing a new consumer unit, replacing all the electrical cables from the consumer unit to each socket, light switch, cooker point, and light fitting. Before instructing a rewire, it is sensible to ensure that you have enough sockets and switches for your electrical needs as adding these afterwards can be more costly.
Contact me today
If you would like to discuss your electrical needs in Abergavenny, then get in touch with me today and I will respond. I offer many other electrical services including carrying out the smaller jobs that may not interest other electricians.
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